A shuttlecock - Fu Haifeng hit the world's fastest Badminton smash at 206mph. The fastest serve in tennis was by Andy Roddick and was a mere 162mph.
See Squidoo page for more informatino about Fu Haifeng and the Scribd doc for some more badminton smash records (singles, backhand, ladies)
If they float in water, then it is because the density of a ping pong ball is lighter than the density of water. The density of water is just below 1, and the density of a ping pong ball is much less than 1.
A ping pong ball floats because it is less dense than water. The air trapped inside the ball creates buoyancy, causing it to stay at the water's surface.
There isn't a huge difference, but a Golf ball would be marginally bigger. Golf ball sized and ping pong size are mostly used to measure hail sizes. A golf ball is bigger but not by much. Inches. 1 1/2 Ping Pong Ball Size 1 3/4 Golf Ball Size
no , it cannot
The ping pong ball would require the least amount of force to move over a 5m distance due to its smaller size and lighter weight compared to the other options.
It would depend on what you bounce them on and what material the bouncy ball is made of. Most surfaces and materials would mean the bouncy ball goes higher, but a few could result in the golf ball being better.
Tennis balls are lighter than cricket balls. Therefore less mass. If a tennis ball travels at the same speed its momentum (mass x velocity) is lower. Therefore less momentum an easier to stop. Short answer, less mass and same speed means less momentum
According to a specialized dealer only Line 2 and Gatsby Duponts are made to ping.
I think ping pong has a smaller ball
It is a small ball that you hit back and forth on a ping pong table.
What is the average speed of a ping pong ball in the olympics?
A ping pong ball is usually 2.7 grams.