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When A shuttlecock falls out of bounds its called a fault. Badminton was a game first played thousands of years ago in China and is still popular today.

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9y ago
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11y ago

When the shuttlecock falls out of bounds that means out and your opponent will get a point.

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13y ago

If the shuttlecock fall out of bounds mean its out.

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11y ago

It is called "out."
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6y ago

It depends on whos side it lands out on. If you hit it out on their side then they get the serve and a point. If they hit it out to you, then you get the point and the serve.

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11y ago

A fault.

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Q: What is it considered if the shuttlecock falls out of bounds in badminton?
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Who determine if the shuttle cock falls in or out of the court?

In 'Pro' Shuttlecock or Badminton games there would be an umpire or service judge to 'call' or make the final decision as to whether the shuttlecock fell inside our outside of the court.

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If the ball goes over the backboard in the NBA is it out of bounds?

The Ball is still in play. Back surface is the only out-of-bounds part of the backboard. (Supporting elements, such as pipes or poles or arms, etc. are obviously not part of the backboard or rim and are out of bounds.)The ball traveling OVER the top of the backboard is OUT of bounds. I believe this rule was put in place because Wilt Chamberlain would score from the other side of the board.Some sources say that if the backboard is 'fan shaped' or arched top, then the over-top rule does not apply, but does if the backboard is rectangle.It's amazing to me how many times this happens at the gym and players call it out of bounds. Cmon! You gotta know the rules if you want to play the game. No one ever knows this rule, but here it is:Rule 4, Section I - c. All five sides of the backboard (top, bottom, both sides and front face) are in play. As long as the shot stays on the top of the backboard, it is still in bounds. When it falls through the basket, the goal counts. But once the ball crosses over the backboard - regardless of where it comes to rest - it is out of bounds.

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Only if he has the ball.AnswerYes. The clock always stops when the ball goes out of bounds. It doesn't matter how it got there. Wrong - Although I don't feel it is a good rule, in college football if a player steps out of bounds going backwards and does not display a foward advance while carrying the ball the clock keeps running.

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