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We call it a "gutterball", not sure if that is the correct term for it...

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16y ago
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14y ago

If at least 1/10 pins are still standing after your second chance, then it is called an open frame.

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10y ago

To miss all 10 pins on the first delivery, the ball would have to fall into one of the "channels" or "gutters" on either side of the lane. It would be referred to as a "gutter ball".

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12y ago

The symbol for miss in Bowling is -

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Q: What is it called if you miss all the pins in bowling?
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What is it called when you knock down all the pins?

In Bowling the term used when knock down all the pins is "Strike".

When all bowling pins fall this is called a?

If a bowler knocks down all 10 pins on the first delivery, it is called a "strike". If it takes two deliveries to knock all the pins down, it is called a "spare". If there are pins still standing after two deliveries, it is called an "open".

The trem used for knocking down all the pins in one turn?

a strike ( if you knock all the bowling pins down with one " throw " of the bowling ball )

Where is the bowling center?

Where the pins are placed is called "the deck". The area where they fall back into is called "the pit".

When a bowling ball collidies with a bowling pin?

it tries to knock all the pins down

What is the point of the game in bowling?

To knock all the pins down.

Points for knocking down all pins in one frame in bowling?

If you get strikes in all of the frames in a game, it is called a perfect 300 score

Is ten pin bowling the same as regular bowling?

Because the pins are shorter, squatter, and lighter than that of the tenpin. The bowling ball is also a lot smaller and there are no finger holes (similar to that of candlestick bowling). Scoring is more difficult because there is less control.The pins are arranged the same way as tenpin bowling. However you have 3 shots per frame to knock down all the pins. A strike is made when all the pins are knocked down on the first roll. A spare is made when all the pins are knocked down in two rolls. If it takes all three shots to knock down the pins, then you get a score of ten but no bonus.Scoring works the same as in tenpin bowling and a perfect game is still 300. As of 2008 a perfect score has still not been recorded.

Strike and spare are names for which sport?

Bowling, Strike means all pins down on first ball . Spare means all remaining pins down on second ball. If you gett a gutter ball on the first try, and all pins down on the second ball , it's still a spare.Pins left standing on second ball is an open frame.

How do you score a strike in bowling?

If you can knock all the pins down with one ball, that is a strike.

If you leave pins standing in a game of bowling what is that called?

A miss... ...bad shot... ...non-strike... ...non-spare... ...oops

What is it called in bowling when you knock down all but 1 pin?

Knocking down all the remaining pins after the second ball in tenpin bowling is termed as a spare.