Football because it is a higher contact sport, although it is all in your opinion. It depends on what you like playing or watching. More people watch the superbowl than the NBA championship though.
Football is good also but I agree basketball is better because you get to have fun without getting tackled
maybe it is tennis because it makes you run around a lot.
Yes, you could play football. Though, it's better not to play.
I think Cricket, hockey, football, tennis and many other sports.
either football, that is American football or English football, both are more popular than tennis.
He likes tennis, football, and Baseball
Only football is
tennis and football.
A raging sport before football for my great grandpa was football (soccer). He loved it so! -R-tennis or table tennis
Apparently they think it provides better visibility, like some tennis courts. I agree.
· Pete Sampras (tennis) · Barry Sanders (football) · Maria Sharapova (tennis) · O.J. Simpson (football) · Emmitt Smith (football) · Stan Smith (tennis) · Sam Snead (golf) · Sammy Sosa (baseball) · Mark Spitz (Olympic swim champion) · Bart Starr (football) · Roger Staubach (football) · Lynn Swann (football)
Tennis and football are both competitive sports, but other than that, they are hardly the same, and they are not even particularly similar.
of course it is football and tennis....... (not sure about tennis):,