What do you mean by example? Striking the tennis ball with your racquet? Or are you asking how to show someone how to play tennis?
An example might be - Tennis is a fast-paced sport. Another example is - The tennis ball shattered the window.
Tennis is a noun; it can be used as a simple subject if you like. Here is an example: Tennis is fun.
The one difference is that an arena has a roof.
your a fag
tennis vs basball
The best source for the latest tennis new is you local television program dedicated to tennis or sports in general. espn is a great example of a source of up to date tennis news.
table tennis, fencing and jousting
Example sentence is: I use my tactical skills when I play tennis.
a sphere (like a tennis ball)
Rolling (motion) is an example of Kinetic Energy.
weight lifting arm Wrestling cycling tennis skiing
One example is a tennis racket it is used w/ carbon fibon