A usually predetermined portion of a relay or other, generally longer race.
track: helps leg stangthing and oxigen intake field:strangth
we already have leg muscles at birth. what was the actual question?
A lot of sports involve leg speed. Baseball, American football, tennis, Track and Field, and other sports involve the need for leg speed.
track and field track and field
Wilma Rudolph won three medals at the track and field event, even though she had a leg problem.
Track and Field
track and field
No, chess is not a track and field game.
track and field got its name because when you run you on a track. the field part is because you compete in the other competions on a field a grassy area.
Yes there will be Track and Field in the 2008 Olympics.
776 BC is when track and field was invented!
track field came from a black man