A good time, meaning with the best of your country, would be around 22.5 I guess. But a good time as in top 20 - 30 of your country (depends of course on what country you live in, I live in Belgium), is possibly between 23 and 24. Also depends on the fact if you train or not, and if you train, how much..
I would say a good time for a 14yr old would be about 25-26 if we were accurate i would say... about 25.9/26.4.
1min 10secs should be a good time
Yes, I am 15 and can run 200m in about 26 seconds, so that is pretty decent.
a 11.9 and lower is a good time
14 seconds
To me a good time would be 14-15 seconds.
My daughter is eleven she does 200m in just under thirty seconds (best in her grade) and so for you a great run is twenty fiveish. My daughter is not a great sprinter she is second best and she does fifteen seconds for 100m but if you are really good you should be able to do thirteen or fourteen (on esecond difference in 100m is a lot)! Good luck
Colton Hyde of Lynnville ran a 400 meter dash in 42 seconds the new world record on 2-5-09
A 10 yard dash time is really not a good judge of your speed, the distance is too short. A 40 yard dash is what you need to get a good estimate of your abilities. but I'll give you time for both 40 yard dash-between 5-5.8 seconds 10 yard dash-between 1.3-1.5 seconds
A good time for a 9 year old boy in the 400 dash is 1-1:15 minutes. If competing the time should be under 1 minute.
Well I'm 10 and i ran it in 28.5 but i think average for 11 is about 32 good is 29 and super good is like 27.
Well, you see! The speed for a 17-year old boy is simply faster, right? So the speed is 21.6km/hr!