The duration of Light Lunch is 3600.0 seconds.
Light Lunch was created on 1997-03-24.
Light Lunch ended on 1998-02-27.
she became an olympic gymnast by being really good at gymnastics!
the charicteristics of a good gymnast are determination and someone who wont give up because it is a very hard sport
Flipped Out.
Special K, chocolate milk, chicken, regular milk, granola bars, fruit, and veggies.
She was a gymnast, but was only good at floor.
Coaches look for Improvement, Hard working Gymnasts, , Very Graceful, And A Gymnast who has a very good attitude.
2 hours and 30 min. to be a professional\good gymnast <3
because they can do a banana split
hi everyone, A human that does gymnastics is called a gymnast.