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Q: What is a good 20 yard dash time for a 15 year old softball player?
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Do you have to play high school softball to get into college softball?

Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.

Who is the greatest black softball player of all time?

Natasha Watley

Who is jenny finch dating?

Jenny Finch is married to a baseball player and has one son named Ace. Her softball number is 27 and she is the best softball player of all time!

What is a good pop time for a softball catcher from home to two?

For a middle teen and high school catcher good is 1.7 seconds.

What is a good time for 400 yard dash?

high fourties

What is the reaction time of a fastpitch softball player?

it depends how hard the pitch is coming or how hard the ball is hit but you have to have quick reflexes

Is my 40 yard dash time good?

usian bolt's 40yd dash time is 4.38. and if your running a 4.9 that is considered quite good. Now if your doing a 60yd a real good time is 6.7. a good time is 7 and so on and so on.

How many player are allowed on the field at one time softball?

9 for the defense (fielding) and up to 4 for the offensse (batting/running)

What majors do you participate in to become a softball player?

When going to college and playing softball at the same time, you can study any major and play softball. There is no major restriction if you play a sport. At a lot of schools, it you play sports you get priority registration so that you can work around your practice and game schedule.

What is a good time in the 400 meter dash for a 11 year old boy?

1min 10secs should be a good time

Is a 53 a good time for a junior in the 400 meter dash?

its alright

What is a good time for a girl in the 200 dash?

around 30 seconds