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A jump that does not conform to the rules, e.g. take-off foot over the line in TJ and LJ or knocking the bar off in PV and HJ.

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Q: What is a foul jump?
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Can you jump on a foul shot in junior high?


Is jump shot allowed in snooker?

No. A jump shot, either intentional or unintentional, is a foul stroke.

Is it a fault to go left right left in the triple jump?

As long as there is no foul on the jump it is perfectly legal

On a jump ball the team that is ready to inbound commits an offensive foul before the ball is inbounded do they lose the jump ball or get the next one?

if its an offensive foul the ball is automaticly turned over

How many foul jumps are allowed in the long jump?

One that is specified for a particular event, generally explained by an official on the day of the competition.

What are vocabulary words about basketball?

dribble, shoot, foul, traveling, run, jump, compete

How far is it from the foul line to the long jump pit?

First Response:It can change, but from the foul line to the furthest set of dots is 15 feet. There is no standard for any length after that.Second Repsonse:The distance from the foul line to the start of the approach is to be a minimum of 15 feet.

What are the rules for long jump?

A legal jump is one that counts, i.e. the jump is measured and goes towards the athlete's result. An "illegal" jump would be one where a foul is committed. This includes, taking off in front of the take-off board, landing outside the pit, walking out of the front of the pit or taking longer than the allotted time.

What are the general rules and regulations of the game basket-ball?

you cant dribble with two hands, you cant hold the ball and move your feet, you shouldn't physically touch people or a foul will be called, stay inbounds, don't jump over the foul line while taking a foul shot, and very many more!

What is a ball girl?

Ball girls are female employees of a baseball team. They sit along the foul lines to jump up and retrieve foul balls hit on their foul line. They are usually young and at least reasonably attractive.

Is it foul if cue ball jumps after hitting the object ball in 8-ball?

Depends.... Does the ball "jump" off the table and land on the floor? If so then yes. If it jumps off the table and lands back on with out falling into the pocket then no(like a jump). once the ball (any ball) hits the floor it is a foul. jumps are allowed in billards (except snooker i believe)

If a player is going up for a shot and the opponent comes in and its called a jump ball for the statistics does it count as turnover does it count as a shot?