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It doesn't happen often but i have managed to doublehit a few times in all my years of tennis.

Literally you hit the ball twice with one swing. Usually you hit the frame of the racket and, as you follow thru, you hit the ball again.

The doublehit occurs within a split second. It is fairly rare.

You do not lose the point if you doublehit unless it is deliberate.

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11y ago

Then it's a fowl. Unless the other team hits it, then the ball is still in play.

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No. If you do, you will lose

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Q: What is a double hit with racket in tennis?
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Yes, the weight. The lighter the tennis racket, the lighter you hit the ball. The heavier racket can hit harder shots.

Whats the little thing you hit with the tennis racket?

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So you can hit the birdie. If you dont have the racket then you cant play!! One of the materials that u will need

How do you hit a ball in tennis?

You swing your racket at the ball

In table tennis is it a good return if ball is hit buy the side of the recket?

Yes. Rule 2.05.07 states that... "A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist." This means that all of the following are legal and will constitute a good return. You can hit the ball with ... * the rubber on your table tennis racket, or * the edge of your table tennis racket, or * the handle of your table tennis racket, or * any part of your racket hand below the wrist, including the fingers of your racket hand

Can you use your hands in table tennis?

Yes you can, but only if its the hand which you hold the racket it in. Note that you can't drop your racket to hit the ball with your hand, your hand still must be touching the racket when you hit it.

Is a table tennis bat a bat or a racket?

Table tennis rackets are used to hit the ball back and forth.

How do you play Apple Schmear?

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In which sports do player use a racket?

Players use a racket in several sports, including: **Tennis** – Played on various surfaces (grass, clay, hard court), players hit a ball over a net using a racket. **Badminton** – Players use a lightweight racket to hit a shuttlecock over a net. **Squash** – Played in a four-walled court where players hit a rubber ball against a wall. **Table Tennis (Ping Pong)** – Players use small paddles or rackets to hit a ball across a table. **Racquetball** – Similar to squash, players hit a ball in an enclosed court with a racket. Each sport has specific types of rackets designed for the gameplay and rules.

Is it a ping pong bat or racket?

A racket has strings ... a bat is solid a bat is used to hit a leather ball which is very hard as compared to normal tennis ball So we can say that a bat is used to hit stronger things but both can be used for beating hahaha!!

Why did the tennis player hit the ball sofety?

So he wouldn’t make a racket! (canned laughter)

Is a tennis racket a stick?

A tennis racquet is not a simple stick. It has a handle and a tight mesh across a circular frame that is used to hit the tennis ball back and forth.