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A back handspring is when u swing ur hands back and sitting as if u wore sitting in a invisible chair and jump back into sort of an arch and u push off ur hands and spring up. <3 baby cayyycayyy

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A front handspring is the equivalent of a back handspring, but going forward. It's done by leaning forward, placing your hands on the ground, and flipping the rest of your body over so you land on your feet.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I back handspring is a type of handspring where you jump back onto your hands, arching your back, and then bringing your feet over. Almost like a back walkover but faster and you're feet stick together the whole time and you need to jump back.

Often connected with a round off. Sit back and thrust arms back. A bhs is when ur arms and legs are straight. A flick or the american version a flick flack. English version is a flick. The hands hit the floor and the back snaps so the feet hit the floor.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A back handspring is a back flip with hands. In other words you jump back and flip yourself backwards with you hands and land on your feet

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βˆ™ 16y ago

it is the opposite to a front hand spring. you stand with your hands up, jump backwards, kick your legs over and sand up. it is a fast move.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

a round off back handspring is, when you run up and do a cartweel that lands on both feet, then going on immediately into a backflip, with hands.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

a backhandspring clinic is a time where they mainly work on backhandsprings

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A toe back is really a touch touch backhandspring. After you land your toe touchjump right into your backhandspring.

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A backhandspring is like a back limber but you jump into it only do with proffesionals spotting you do not try by yourself or when no one is looking unless you have a sturdy back handspring

Video on how to do a back handspring?

Go to youtube and type in How To Do A Backhandspring.

I have been cheering and tumbling for 10 years and I still dont have my backhandspring what can you do to get it finally?

Most likely, The only thing that's stopping you from getting a backhandspring is a mental block. Get over that and a backhandpring will be easy.

What are most cheerleader requirements?

backhandspring tuck layout... NEED TUMBLING

Is it harder to do a backhandspring if your tall?

Yes because you have to get your legs back further.

What does senior 4.2 in cheer leading mean?

It means senior level 4 stunts and level 2 tumbling. (backhandspring, round off backhandspring)

Who was the first gymnast to perform around off backhandspring in the olympic games?

Believe that was Olga Korbut

How do you get your hands not t o hurt when you do a backhandspring?

you'd have to try to stay light on you're hands

Is a backhandspring hard?

the backhandspring is the hardest thing to learn. onc you get your backhandspring you can get your roundoff backhandspring and back tuck real quick! it is tricky to learn but its like riding a bike when you have it you have it and can do it with no effort