supposivly it is a M but he said it depended on what kinda store it iss... i got to personally ask him at the wimbolden last yeah ahhh he is even better looking from up close:)) === ===
his coach, Peter Lundgren
Roger Federer's idol was Pete Sampras, who was also the one-handed backhand of his time.
winning the finals at wimbledon until 2008
Federer is a roman catholic. He's met the pope.
Size 18 Unitog shirt is a shirt that has an 18" neck size.
He likes a lot of sports, he seems to be quite fond of soccer, Roger supports FC Basel. When he was younger he also played Cricket and was very Decent,infact he could have been a cricket player. It seems like he chose the right sport.
small size
depends on the size shirt of the woman my final answer would be probably no.
mr and mrs federer
Oliver Sykes' shirt size is a small.
It is surely federers slam
Size Fat!