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Someone that plays much better on clay courts than hard courts. On clay courts, the balls bounce higher, slows down more and spin is exaggerated vs a hard court. Some player's game is more suited for clay courts. Some these players will often do much better on clay courts than hard courts (and visa versa). These are called clay court specialists.

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Q: What is Clay court specialist?
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Why is a tennis clay court called clay court when is actually a shale court. When and who decided to use the term clay instead of shale?

There is more than one type of tennis court and clay is one of them. There is shale stone brick and clay. Clay is more popular in Europe and Latin america, but is not used in the U.S.A. The material used in the U.S.A. green clay or rubico is commonly called clay but is not the same as other courts in Europe. Although cheaper to construct than other types of tennis courts, the maintenance costs of clay are high because the surface must be rolled to preserve flatness.

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Clay courts are known to be the slowest tennis court.

What a pro tennis courts made of?

hard court clay court sinthetic grass court real grass court. :)

Why French Open played on clay court?

Its because clay courts are cheaper and the court absorbs more impact of the ball making the ball bounce higher and slower.

What is the name given to a player on the court who is a defensive specialist?

From my experiences a defensive specialist is usually called a Labero. (La-bear-o)

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What are the lawn tennis rules?

the same as hard court and clay!

Ground of tennis?

im not sure what you mean by this question but tennis is played on hard court, clay court and grass court for different opens