im not sure what you mean by this question but tennis is played on hard court, clay court and grass court for different opens
the space around the court
I am not sure but just call your local tennis place
No your feet can be on the ground.
a ball only when it hits the ground though.
It is the third law of motion because it has to do with action reaction things. Tennis ball hitting the net is the action, and it falling to the ground is the reaction. I hope this helped.
No she does not, although she does have a tennis court and her own football ground.
It depends on what height you drop it from.
You put in on the ground on top of a hill and let go. What kind of sense does that question make?
tennis can be played on any rectangular flat surface, usually of grass, clay, concrete (hard court) or a synthetic suspended court.
A ground stoke. I assume you're playing GBA who wants to be a millionaire.
How much area is required for a Basket Ball Court