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If you had adressed it and then backed away ( i.e. wind bothering you), then you have to play as if you had hit the ball that had moved, but if you haven't adressed it, you are to make an honest ruling and put it where it was

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Play it as it lies. There is only a problem if you address the ball. And of course, addressing the ball is only when the putter is grounded.

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Q: What if golf ball moves on the green before addressing it?
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In golf if your opponent's ball knocks your ball into the cup what is the ruling?

There are two scenarios; 1. On the green- If you and your opponent are on the green and he hits you ball and knocks it into the cup, or hits your ball at all, you replace your ball (to as near where it was before it was hit as possible) and he plays his from where it lies, and he shall receive a 2 shot penalty. 2. If your ball is on the green and your opponent is off the green and he hits yours, you replace your ball as near as possible to where you believe your ball was before he hit your ball. There is no penalty.

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yellow i think

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It's called a false start.

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If you are off the green, and your partner's ball is on the green, you pitch on and you hit theirs and yours goes in it is counted as holed and they must replace their ball to where it was before you hit it. If you hit on and hit their ball and that goes in the hole, you play yours as it lies and you must replace their ball. If you are on the green and hit their ball it is a two shot penalty, or loss of hole in matchplay.

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Your ball is replaced, as near as possible to where it was before it was moved, no penalty. Your opponent unfortunately has to play his ball as it lies, if it's in the water then so be it, he would have to take a penalty drop from the water.

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When the defensive player moves over the line of scrimage and touches an offensive player before the ball is hiked. It's when a defensive player moves over the line of scrimage before the ball is snapped. If he touches an offensive player it's known as encroachment.

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The speed of the ball decreases as it moves against gravity and eventually reaches 0 at its highest point before falling back down.

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The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves.

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Is there a time limit to hit a golf ball after addressing the ball?

i believe it is 45 seconds when u r on tee to take off

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How do you beat civiballs Christmas edition level 4?

1) Drop the green ball that's all the way to the right into the cannon by cutting the red string and letting it swing to the left and then cutting the green string. Drop it in the cannon, not the green box. 2) This will trigger the cannon and hit the green ball carried by the yellow gold balloon and will move that green ball all the way to the left. 3) Drop the red ball that's all the way to the left into the cannon by cutting the green string. 4) Cut the string holding up the train so the train moves towards the left. 5) Drop the red ball in the middle by cutting the purple string first, and then dropping it into the red box, by cutting the green string. 6) This will hit the green ball hanging in the middle. Cut the purple string to drop it in the box. 7) Drop the green ball hanging from the balloon into the cannon by cutting the red string and wait for it to swing to the right and then cut the remaining string to drop it into the box.