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Then I would suggest stopping your swing and reset yourself. If the ball moves on its free will there is no penalty.

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Q: What happens if golf ball moves while on backswing?
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Ball in sandtrap hit sand in backswing is it a penalty?

You are given a two shot penalty in stroke play, or loss of hole in matchplay.

What happens to the balls velocity while the ball is up vertically in the air?

The ball's velocity decreases as it moves upward due to the opposing force of gravity. At the peak of its trajectory, the velocity momentarily becomes zero before the ball starts descending and its velocity increases back in the downward direction.

Is the batter out if his back swing hits a called passed ball and causes the catcher not to be able to make a play?

If the backswing would happen to hit a ball it is considered a dead ball in this situation. and the pitch would count as a strike

What happens if the ball moves at address?

nothing much the points might change but it isn't very crucial

What is a short backswing and upward motion?

A short backswing is when a golfer does not swing the club very far back before initiating the downswing. An upward motion refers to the movement of the clubhead as it approaches impact, where it is moving upwards through the ball to create more height and distance on the shot.

Is a back swing necessary in golf?

David Leadbetter sometimes gets his pro golfer students to hit shots with only the downswing. You do not need to have a backswing, but then positioning the club correctly could be difficult. That guy is wrong how the hell are you going to know were to swing the ball if you dont use a backswing. Trust me if you try you will miss! If you think im wrong tell me and tell me why. Zambozio Zambozio, I was simply trying to make the point that you can hit a golf ball well, even without a backswing, i was not saying that everyone should do it, or could do it. If you consider when you take your backswing, when you get to the top, you pause, meaning that you have lost all your momemtum and the sole purpose of the backswing was to get the club in the proper position, therefore if you practiced getting it in the correct position without a backswing, there would be no need for one. This article should explain it fully, it is an article written by David Leadbetter, in 2002

What is the main type of energy conversion that happens to a ball thrown in the air as it goes up?

The main type of energy conversion that happens to a ball thrown in the air as it goes up is from kinetic energy (energy of motion) to potential energy (stored energy due to position). As the ball moves upwards against the force of gravity, its kinetic energy decreases while its potential energy increases.

What is the difference between slice and hook in golf?

a slice occurs when you take a diagonal backswing. it results in the pulling of the ball harshly to the right. a hook results oppositely.

If a player moves his pivot foot while in possession of the ball what violation is called?

A travel is called. You can move one foot while the ball is in your hands and you have not dribbled. Moving two will result in a travel.

What happens as a ball rolls away from you?

As the ball rolls away from you, it will appear to decrease in size and eventually disappear from view due to its distance. The speed at which it moves away will determine how quickly it disappears.

What happens to the speed of a ball when it is thrown upwards in the air?

The speed of the ball decreases as it moves against gravity and eventually reaches 0 at its highest point before falling back down.

Why a softball player moves his hand backwards while catching a fast moving ball?

Moving the hand backwards while catching a fast-moving ball allows the player to decelerate the ball gradually, reducing the impact force and improving control. This technique also helps absorb the ball's momentum and minimizes the risk of injury.