On the professional golf tours competitions get cancelled if, the course is unplayable due to weather (water lying etc), heavy rain, high winds or threat of lightening. Then the players may get to play later that day or the next day. In amateur competition the weather does have to be very rough for the competition committee to call play off. Obviously if there is lightening it is too dangerous to play golf.
Any type of weather can stop golf. The determination is normally made by the course directors. Lightening is the most dangerous and is grounds for an immediate stoppage in play. Heavy rain, high winds, snow, and tornado warnings are often grounds for stopping play.
Breaking the rules of golf either result in a one or two shot penalty or disqualification in stroke play and a loss of hole in match play.
I play golf because it is fun.
It is a golf links if the course is near the sea. Otherwise it is a golf course if further inland.
How to Play Golf was created in 1944.
lightening help to fix gaseous nitrogen to more chemically reactive forms
golf ball is pelota de golf.golf stays the same.It's the same: 'golf'
a golf course
kids of all sexual orientations play golf.
Althea Gibson did not play golf. She played tennis.