i don,t know!
A lot of golfers put a line half way round the ball, this is for lining up putts. Others put a small dot somewhere on the ball, this could be their favourit colour, or maybe a couple of dots for nationality or even a favourite football team. Some golfers write their initials on the ball, but usually beside the number.
On tour Nick O'Hern who is Australian draws a small Kangaroo on the side of his ball, and Duffy Waldorf lets his kids draw all over his Golf balls with different coloured Sharpies. It is really personal choice and you can write or draw whatever you want on a golf ball, usually something of personal significance on the ball helps you relax during a round.
The stick is classed as a loose impediment. You can move it, as long as you do not move the ball. If the ball moves it is a one shot penalty.
You can't move a loose impediment that is in a hazard, no matter if it is near your ball or not. Penalty for moving one is loss of hole in matchplay or two strokes in stroke play.
Loose impediments cover things such as leaves, pine straw and pine cones etc.
A tee.
Another golfball!
The density of golfball is less then density of water
a golfball!
== == == ==
Surface area of a sphere (the golfball) = 4*pi*radius2 square cm
275 ml
100 Mph
reds people