In tennis, down the line refers to the same side of the court on the opponent's court area. For example, for two right handed players, down-the-line would refer to the forehand side of one person and the backhand-side of the other.
y axis
It generally means, "at some point in the future."
A block down field beyond the line of scrimmage
You mean the vertical line from your bellybutton and down? Pregnant women get that due to hormones.
If a line has a negative slope it is going 'down hill' and if it has a positive slope it is going 'up hill'
it ''means'' the ''mane'' ''rode''
It means it is split in half right down the middle.
It refers to a third baseman who plays very close to the 3rd base line. He may do this to cut back on doubles down the line or simply because the batter typically hits the ball down the line.
The line of reflection in symmetry is the imaginary line that travels down the line of symmetry. For example, in a square, the line of reflection would be the line down the center of the square, and the line down the diagonal of the square.
You could always use and search the word, but in a nut shell, it's the direction of up/down. This line is vertical: | This line is horizontal: ___
In yamatji way it means when your pregnant Itz a boy and a line goin further up its a girl