It refers to a third baseman who plays very close to the 3rd base line. He may do this to cut back on doubles down the line or simply because the batter typically hits the ball down the line.
Hug = abraçocuddle = an affectionate, amorous hug.
In Welsh, you say "cwtsh" to mean hug.
she probably just wants to get to know you better
"abrazarse"= to hug (someone) abrazarte= to hug yourself. "te doy un abrazo" (I hug you)
a bunny hug is referred to as a hooded sweatshirt in Saskatchewan
she likes you, or wanted a hug. depends on your realitionship,
To hug. Grammtically it's imperative. You can translate it as "hug me".
It means "I hug you".
hug him tight? obv
There is no such thing as a half hug. it's just a hug or no hug. When he says you don't hug him like you are supposed to that just means he wants hugs.
Hugception well it really just means that she feels better when you hug her because she is to scared to