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Compared to many other sports gymnastics is not oriented towards cardiovascular fitness. Because strength and power are so important in gymnastics, too much work on endurance exercises actually reduces strength. The only endurance important in gymnastics is muscular endurance. Events such as women's uneven bars, men's high bar, parallel bars, rings and pommel horse require more muscular endurance and strength. The longest routines are no more than 90 seconds for men and women's floor exercise and the balance beam. Floor exercise requires a cardio-fitness foundation but this is the only event in gymnastics. Most high level gymnasts work endurance by performing routines and stay away from jogging and other forms of aerobic exercise. The primary focus in training is short-term energy systems, strength, power and speed.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Although highly active and motion based, gymnastics does not focus much on cardiovascular health and development. Instead it is about short bursts of intense energy and movement. Some events require better cardio than others, specifically Floor exercise can very very draining.

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14y ago

Not necessarily. It varies from gym to gym. But you usually gain it while practicing/

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Q: What does cardiovascular endurance have to do with gymnastics?
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Why is cardiovascular endurance important in gymnastics?

Cardiovascular endurance is crucial in gymnastics as it helps sustain the high-intensity, continuous movements required during routines and training sessions. Improved cardiovascular fitness enhances oxygen delivery to muscles, delaying fatigue and allowing gymnasts to perform longer and more efficiently. It also aids in recovery between intense exercises, enabling athletes to maintain optimal performance throughout their routines. Overall, strong cardiovascular endurance is essential for gymnasts to execute complex skills with precision and consistency.

What is endurance in gymnastics?

Endurance is the same in gymnastics as it is in all other sports.

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