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A driver is usually used by players on tee shots on par 4s and par 5s, it is the lowest lofted and longest club in the bag and is used to hit the ball the farthest. An amateur can hit a driver between 200-270 and some of the pros average around 300+ yards.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

the driver is the club you hit the ball with for long distances

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What is a Callaway FT 5 driver?

A Callaway FT5 driver is the name of a Golf club and can be purchased from the following retailers: Golf Online, eBay, Golf Bidder, Amazon, Callaway Gold Preowned, Golf WRX.

How many meters is a golf club?

The length of a standard golf club can vary depending on the type of club. A typical driver is around 1 meter in length.

What is a 13 degree golf club?

A high lofted driver or a 2/3 wood

What adhesive do you use to repair a golf driver?

You would use golf club epoxy, it is a very strong two part glue.

What do you call a driver in Spanish?

For the operator of an auto, "conductor (m) or conductora (f)". For the golf club, "driver". For a taxicab operator, "taxista".

Where can one purchase a driver golf club?

Driver golf clubs are available from any major golf center or sports store such as the Sports Authority or Dick's Sporting Goods. They can also be purchased from ads in sports and Golf magazines.

Which golf club is best for long drives down the fairway?

The best golf club for making a long drive down the fairway is simply known as a "driver". These types of clubs may also be called "long drive" golf clubs. Occasionally, the long drive club will simply be called an "LD" club.

Can a baseball bat hit a golf ball farther than a driver?

I'm no expert or knocking on your common sense,but its impossible to generate the kind of speed that a golf club picks up throughout a swing. So the answer is no. Although the speed of a golf club is less, there is no flexing in a baseball bat like there is in a golf club shaft (absorbing energy). I think the golf ball (all things equal) would travel farther being hit by an aluminum bat than a driver.

What is another word for a golf club?

Iron, wood, driver, putter or wedge. There are no other real names.