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He ment that he made up some of hes own quotes

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Q: What did Jesse Owens Mean when he stated some of his famous quotes?
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What achievement is Jesse Owens famous for?

Jesse Owens won 4 gold metals in Berlin

Who is performing at the 1936 summer olympic games made him famous?

Jesse Owens

Who was famous in 1936?

Adolf Hitler and Jesse Owens.

Was Jesse Owens famous for something beside sport?

no jesse owens was famous for sport only because at a young age he broke a world record and three more

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Who and what motivated Jesse Owens?

Jesse Owens

How was Karl Menninger Jesse Owens famous in the great depression?

I'm sure we saw the same person mix those two names up. There's Karl Menninger, and Jesse Owens, but no Karl Menninger Jesse Owens. That person does not exist.

Who coached Jesse Owens?

jesse owen coached jesse owens

Is there movies of Jesse Owens?

No there is no movie of Jesse Owens

Is Jesse Owens single?

No, Jesse Owens is not single.