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Adolf Hitler and Jesse Owens.

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Q: Who was famous in 1936?
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When did Jesse become famous?

HE became famous in 1936.

What made the 1936 Olympics so famous?

It was the most popular sport in the 1936

Who is the worlds famous mathemathician?

Winners of the Fields Medal would be some of the famous mathematicians since 1936, certainly not all.

Who was the African American that his performance made him famous at the Olympics in 1936?

jesse owens

Who was in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin?

The most famous person was Jesse Owens.

What person's performance at 1936 Summer Olympic Games made him famous?


Who is performing at the 1936 summer olympic games made him famous?

Jesse Owens

Which black person's performance at the 1936 summer olympic games made him famous?

Jesse Owens

Who was the black person that performance at the 1936 Summer Olympic Games made him famous?

Jesse Owens

What is Azie Taylor Morton famous for?

Azie Taylor Morton was born on February 1, 1936.

Who was the person who took the now famous picture of the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall in 1936?

Indra Shira

What is Wallis Simpson famous for?

Wallis Simpson is famous for being an American socialite. Wallis Simpson was born in 1936 and was married three times. She was last married to Prince Edward, also known as the Duke of Windsor. He could have been king, but abdicated in order to marry her in 1936.