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Yes, you probably should. If you are trying out for something you might want to try to keep your feet close. If you aren't doing something 'special' you probally don't have to worry about it. :)

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14y ago

You shouldn't use anything. The feet will remain apart for a large part of the handspring, and if you were to mess it up, having your feet tied can result in serious injury.

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Q: What can you use to keep your feet together when you do a back handspring?
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Should you keep your feet together in a front handspring?

Yes, you probably should. If you are trying out for something you might want to try to keep your feet close. If you aren't doing something 'special' you probally don't have to worry about it. :)

How do you keep strong in a round off back handspring?

Just keep doing it. the more you do it the easier it will be.

How do you do a back handspring with out taking lessons?

you that by lookin on the computer to see IF YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT AND also keep practicing

How do you learn the back handspring?

You have to make sure you have a really good roundoff. If you have. Really high rebound doing a back handspring will be much easier. So after you have a good roundoff with. High rebound then get a spotter and have them spot you for a back handspring. You want to do your roundoff and jump back not up and keep your legs straight. You don't want to land in the same spot you started you want to land a lot farther back. The more power you have the less the spotter will need to spot you and eventually you will get your back handspring by yourself!! Good luck!

How do you perform a standing back handspring?

lean back put your hands on the ground then flip over BUT OMG DONT TRY THIS WITH OUT A SPOT learn to do a back bend first then just jump its easy

How do you keep your legs together in a back handspring?

Good question! It can be quite difficult but they only sure way to master this is through practice. If your legs are bending you are either just not straightening your legs or you might not have a very strong cart wheel. Practice just making your hands go to the ground and make sure that the leg that is leaving the ground (as your hands approach) is straight. Once you have that down pretty good just keep practicing. Lock out your knees at all times during the cartwheel and flex all the muscles in your body when do it as well. Try having someone watch you and have them tell you at what point you are bending your legs. This can give you an idea of when to make your legs super stiff!

If you can do a back-bend and kickover can you pretty much do a back-handspring?

yes, you just have to jump; instead of just leaning backwards, and u have to make sure u pop off your hands, and keep your elbows lockedd.

How do you do a back handspring for beginners?

To do a perfect back handspring takes at least a year of practice. Your must strengthen your muscles first. Do GREAT, LOW push-ups every day for about three months. After this, choose a spotter or someone you trust to catch you to spot you for a back handspring. To warm up try handstands and snap your legs down. Also, try back bend kick-overs or back walkers. These are key to help you progress. To do a back handspring, you must pass the following elements:Back bendsHandstands10 perfect push-ups in 25 secondsPossibly a back walkoverNow here are some things to remember:Arch your bodyMake your back handspring stretch, but not too muchMake your hands flatSnap your legs over as soon as your hands touch the groundREMEMBER, head over heelsWith these tips and a spotter, you are guarunteed to do a perfect back handspring!

How do you keep your dog from running away from home?

tie his feet together!

When lifting heavy objects should you put both feet together?

No. You always keep your feet apart.

What is a compass jump?

Compass jumpsA compass jump is a bicycling trick where you keep your knees slightly bent, feet together and stay on your toes at all times - bounce and move your feet forward (north), bounce and bring your feet back to the starting point, bounce and move your feet to your right (east), bounce and bring your feet back to the starting point, bounce and move your feet to the rear (south), bounce and bring your feet back to the starting point, bounce and move your feet to your left (west), bounce and bring your feet back to the starting point, repeat.

How do you chip and run in golf?

Play the ball off your back foot, feet close together, slightly lean onto your left side and keep your hands in front of the ball.