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I am a 6th grade runner and just broke a 5 40 mile. I am 11 years old and want to go pro, Ive been told that i will get scholarship to UVA and Princeton. If you want to become a pro runner you have to join a local track team either through school or recreation department. You also have to put all your other hobbies or sports aside to be great. But I run track and play tennis! It is your choice how far you want to go with this great sport! GOOD LUCK!!

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Q: What are the odds of becoming a pro track runner?
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What do you have to do to be a pro track runner?

Run and Run and Run.

How to move a track in Premiere Pro?

To move a track in Premiere Pro, simply click and drag the track to the desired position within the timeline.

How do you become a pro runner?

Someone is willing to pay to see you run.

How can I track objects in Premiere Pro?

To track objects in Premiere Pro, use the built-in motion tracking feature. Select the object you want to track, then go to the "Effects Controls" panel and click on the "Motion" option. Click on the "Track Motion" button and adjust the tracking settings as needed. Premiere Pro will then track the object's movement throughout the video.

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How can I track an object in Premiere Pro?

To track an object in Premiere Pro, you can use the built-in motion tracking feature. First, select the object you want to track in your video. Then, go to the "Effects Control" panel and click on the "Motion" option. Next, click on the "Track Motion" button and adjust the tracking points to follow the object's movement. Premiere Pro will then track the object throughout the video.

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Why is the audio from Premiere Pro not showing in the timeline?

The audio from Premiere Pro may not be showing in the timeline due to a mismatch in the audio settings or track visibility. Check the audio track settings and ensure that the track is enabled and visible in the timeline.