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The odds of becoming a pro golfer are non existent, you could turn professional right now, whatever your handicap- there is no necessary qualifications. However, the odds of making it as a pro golfer are a lot smaller as there are hundreds of thousands of golfers at scratch or better worldwide, so it depends how good you are, and how good you become. You have to be real honest with yourself and decide if you have what it takes.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The odds have been calculated as a direct corollation to the query of what are the odds that you are going to nail Cheerleading twin sisters at the home coming dance.

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12y ago

90% of golfers can't break 80 so think of how many golfers are around the world, take that 10% and put it against you and your scoring average against that 10%

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14y ago

300 to one

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