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Q: What are the individual needs in gymnastics?
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Do they still award medals in Olympic gymnastics for individual apparatus?


What is angel stunt in gymnastics?

Angel stunts in gymnastics are stunts that are performed by a single person. They are sometimes referred to as individual stunts.

Who has won the most individual olympic medals in women's gymnastics?

larissa latynina

Who is expected to win gold in rhythmic gymnastics individual?

Evgenia Kanaeva, Russia.

What are the different levels of individual needs?

the different levels of individual needs are; -psychological needs -safety needs -social needs -esteem needs and self actualization...

In what year did Rhythmic Gymnastics become recognized as an official sport?

The International Gymnastics Federation first accepted rythmic gymnastics as a sport in 1962. In 1963 it had its first world championships. In 1984 it was in the Olympics as an individual sport and in 1996 as a team sport.

What career is Nadia Comaneci enrolled in currently?

she is now teaching kids with special needs gymnastics

Are there going to be indivudual gymnastics medal routines in London?

Yes there will be individual event finals where medals are awarded

What are the basic needs of individual?

An individual's needs include food, shelter and water. These three basic needs will help a person to stay healthy and safe.

What does individual needs mean?

it means seeing a person as an individual

Who won the gold metal in gymnastics in 2008?

Well, Nastia Luiken won the individual, and China won the country.

What sports do you have to be flexible in?

Most sports require flexibility. In baseball, the pitcher needs to have a flexible shoulder in order to pitch without injuring himself. One also needs flexibility for ice skating, gymnastics and dance.