Gymnastics Apparatus is an item on which gymnasts exercise. Some of them are: pommel horse, balance beam, rope, trampoline, floor, parallel bars, uneven bars...
I hope I helped a little :-)
The competitive equipment is as follows:
Floor - a soft, springy floor for floor stunts. Things like flips, leaps, walkovers, and dance.
Beam - a narrow covered wooden beam a few feet off the floor. Basically all the things you can do on floor, but on a narrow line.
Vault - some kind of pommel horse set up for you to flip over. Doing fault includes having a runway to run around and a springboard, to help propel you into the air so you can flip. You also use the vault to help propel you up and over more.
Bars - shorthand for "parallel bars": two small wooden bars set a few feet off the ground. The one closest to you (when you start from the right place) is shorter. The second bar is set a few feet back and is up much higher. Used for swinging around and flipping off of.
That's my very basic answer.
Actually there are 6 types under the heading gymnastics. These are: Artistic, Rhythmic, Acrobatic, Aerobic, Tumbling and Trampolining. Each different types arose due to different areas being incorporated within the FIG. Artistic uses the apparatus, Rhythmic uses the 5 portable apparatus, Acrobatic uses the floor as a pair or team without apparatus, Aerobic is like doing vigourous exercise on the floor, Tumbling uses a 25 metre springy mat and Trampolining obviously uses a trampoline.
Rhythmic gymnastics is an activity that involves teams of 5 or an individual that manipulate two or only one piece of apparatus. It is usually a ribbon, hoop, ball or rope.
A gymnastics matt.
How many apparatus are used by women in gymnastics? What is the rotation order of the women's apparatus? What do the women use on their hands on the apparatus the uneven bars? How long does a floor routine go for? How long is the beam?
Pommel Horse
A pommel horse is an apparatus used in the sport of Gymnastics.
There are 4. Vault Bars, Beam and Floor( Olympic apparatus rotation)
When the apparatus touch or goes out the red line in the playing area :)
gymnastics IS a game!!!!
floor, beam, bars and vault.