there is not much equipment required for high jump. All that is needed is one mat, one pole, and two standard. The two standards hold up the pole and the mat sits behind the standards.
In long jump the only equipment used it the rake, measuring stick, measuring tape, and shovel. The rake is used to smooth out the pit after and before a jump is preformed in order to prevent injury and to get measurements that are yours and not anyone other person's. The measuring stick is used to simply help get a measurement by placing it at the end of the jump. The measuring tape is used to get the distance. And finally the shovel is used in case the sand needs to be turned over before anyone jumps, such as if the sand is too hard.
A lure and a line are used in fishing. Long jump board and lacrosse stick are sports equipment.
The hitch kick technique is used in the long jump event.
In long jump the only equipment used it the rake, measuring stick, measuring tape, and shovel. The rake is used to smooth out the pit after and before a jump is preformed in order to prevent injury and to get measurements that are yours and not anyone other person's. The measuring stick is used to simply help get a measurement by placing it at the end of the jump. The measuring tape is used to get the distance. And finally the shovel is used in case the sand needs to be turned over before anyone jumps, such as if the sand is too hard.
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There are two track and field events. The long jump, and the triple jump.
Your feet to jump
a jump rope
A wind gauge is used in long jump competitions to measure the wind speed and direction at the time of the jump. This information is important as wind can either help or hinder the athlete's performance. Athletes can use the wind gauge readings to adjust their approach and takeoff to maximize their jump distance.
He does not long jump.
For long jump, you would need to use equipment such as running shoes with good grip, comfortable athletic clothing, a takeoff board for jumping, measuring tape, and a sand pit for landing. Optional equipment could include a stop watch for timing runs and jumps, as well as training aids such as plyometric boxes for strength and speed training.
Broad Jump is standing still but the long jump is with a running start then jumping