the distance of Track and Field events varies because there is more than one. Distances in high school track and field meets usually include: 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 400 meter (1/4 mile), 800 meter (1/2 mile), 1600 meter (1 mile), and 3200 meter (2 miles). there are also relays (where four people take turns carrying a baton while running, they hand off to each other and the accumulative time of the four teammates is counted). there is the 4x100 meter relay, 4x400 meter relay, 4x800 meter relay. they are longer distances offered in college.
Runners run on a track.
You run around on a big track!
there is track width (measured from mid rail to mid rail) and track gauge (measured from inside rail to inside rail. As that is the most important size of track, that is normally the distances referenced to. normal distance for track gauge is 1435 mm
u would have to run around the track once
Run and Run and Run.
A dash refers to a sprint (100 meters to 400 meters) while a run refers to longer distances.
A person who runs short-distances.
a running track?? xD
No, girls chest do not get smaleer when they run in track.
On an outdoor track it will be announced as the 400 meter dash. In practice we call them quarters because it is a quarter of a mile. If it is an indoor track it may be shorter, if so it is called the 200 meter dash.For outdoor tracksLaps Distance Name1/4 100 meters straight1/2 200 meters half-lap1 400 meters quarter2 800 meters half-mile4 1600 meters mile8 3200 meters two-mileIndoor tracks are usually 200 meters, half as long, and athletes run different distances. If you divide the distances by 2 for an indoor track you will have the correct distances. Hopefully this answers your question!
a gonna can run realy fast but for short distances