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I know the width is 480-500mm between the bars, the length & bar diameter is up to you

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

16ft long and the poles 14 ft

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βˆ™ 14y ago

29 mm Outer Diameter

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βˆ™ 12y ago

as tall as your chin most of the time

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βˆ™ 12y ago

7 inches like me

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Q: What are the dimensions for gymnastics parallel bars?
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Related questions

How far apart are parallel bars?

Parallel bars are a piece of mens gymnastics apparatus parallel bars are two raised wooden bars that run parallel to each other

Is the parallel bars at gymnastics for boys girls or both?

The parallel bars are for the men's gymnastics team but the women's routines involve the uneven bars. Hope that helps. :)

What ringsmat and parallel bars?

They are to do with the sport of gymnastics.

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What are the 6 phases of the gymnastics?

Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, Still Rings, vault, Parallel bars, and Horizontal Bars.

What are some Olympic words that begin with the letter P?

· parallel bars gymnastics · pommel horse gymnastics

What are the different apparatosies or equipments in gymnastic?

For Women's Gymnastics: The floor Balance Beam Uneven Bars Vault For Men's Gymnastics: The floor parallel Bars Pommel Horse High Bar

What has the author Larry F Flowers written?

Larry F. Flowers has written: 'A kinematic analysis of the glide kip mount on the parallel bars' -- subject(s): Gymnastics, Human mechanics, Parallel bars, Physiological aspects, Physiological aspects of Gymnastics

What are the events in gymnastics?

Women's gymnastics has four events which is Vault, Floor Exercise, Balance Beam, and Uneven Bars. Men's gymnastics has six events: Vault, Floor, Rings, Pommel Horse, Parallel Bars, and High Bar.

Which persons helped in the development gymnastics?

The sport of gymnastics has been around since antiquity. In the late 1700s, Fredrich Ludwig added to the sport by inventing the parallel bars, horizontal bars, and balance beam. He is known as the "Father of Gymnastics."