The progression of strikes is as follows: On the left are standard names, on right are some odd names I have seen or heard through the years.
1 = Strike
2 = Double
3 = Turkey or Gobbler
4 = Hambone
5 = Recently heard referred to as yatzee or five bagger
6 = Sometimes referred to as a six pack or six bagger or wild turkey.
7 = Seven baggger
8 = Eight bagger
9 = Nine bagger or golden turkey
10 = Ten bagger
11 = Eleven bagger
12 = Twelve bagger or 300 game or Perfect Game
Anything after a strike may be referred to as a(n) "x bagger" (where x = number of consecutive strikes), 5 bagger or 7 bagger for example. They may also simply be referred to as "x in a row."
"Front x" - The number of consecutive strikes thrown starting with the first frame. For example, the front seven (strikes in frams 1-7).
"Back x" or "x out the door" - The number of consecutive strikes thrown through the tenth frame. For example, the back seven (stikes in frames 6-10).
Henry calb
There are three main types of lightning strikes: cloud-to-ground strikes, intra-cloud strikes, and cloud-to-cloud strikes. Cloud-to-ground strikes are the most common and well-known type, where lightning extends from the cloud to the ground. Intra-cloud strikes occur within the cloud itself, and cloud-to-cloud strikes happen between different clouds.
The names of consecutive strikes are as follows:Jim J. BullockDoubleTurkeyHamboneBratBratburgerHam-Turkey DinnerLBPGordie HoweFront/Middle/Back 10One Day From Retirement300
They have different names.
When light strikes a material, it can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or refracted. The behavior of light depends on the properties of the material it encounters, such as its transparency, reflectivity, and refractive index.
Nothing in particular. Eight Bagger. There are no special names for strikes other than double for two consecutive strikes, turkey for three consecutive strikes, and clover for four consecutive strikes. Anything after that is call a "x bagger." X = the number of consecutive strikes thrown. For example. If you threw seven strikes in a row, it would called a seven bagger An eight-bagger.
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It is now called Yahtzee!5 consecutive strikes in bowling is called a 5-bagger.There are no special names for strikes other than hambone/double for two consecutive strikes, turkey for three consecutive strikes, and clover for four consecutive strikes. Anything after that is call a "x bagger." X = the number of consecutive strikes thrown. For example. If you threw seven strikes in a row, it would called a seven bagger.5 baggerIn bowling if a person were to get 3 strikes in a row, at anytime in a game, that's called a " Turkey ". 5 strikes in row is called a " Goose " , 10 in a row is a "swan" and ,12 in row is of course a " perfect game ".