The arm and hand positions vary within each skill in gymnastics. I would need a more detailed question about possible which skills you would like to know the arm/hand positions.
The anatomical position describes the body standing upright, facing forward, with arms at the sides and palms of the hands also facing forward. It is used as a reference point in anatomy to describe the placement and orientation of body parts.
First position is to stand straight with hands and arms facing in an oval manner, palm of hand curved 1/3 downward. hand tip balance to the pusod. as if being the orator of an orchestra.Second position has arms spread parallel. arms and feet in sideward position. palms facing upward, after first position feet together with arms passionately move oppositely forming a side ward position.Third position has Left arms raise high in oval position above head.
Gymnastics is classified as a sport, but ballet is an art. Gymnastics is all about flexibility, strength and one's ability to do set moves and exercises. Ballet also needs the flexibility and strength, but is also about performance and musicality. In ballet you have to have a straight back, delicate-looking, gentle arms and turn your legs out all the time, but in gymnastics, one arches your back and your arms and hands become more 'spiky'. Ballet is not an intentionally competitive art, whereas gymnastics is all about the competitions and winning.
hands and arms i spose lol ;)
Position your hands on the piano keyboard with your fingers curved and relaxed, resting on the keys. Keep your wrists level and avoid tension in your hands and arms to achieve optimal playing technique.
bow and salute hands on waist hands holding skirt arms in lateral position hayon-hayon anrasete kumintang bilao free foot folded arms start with left hand
It is actually the 8 AND 4 hand position. By placing your hands at 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock, you take your hands and arms out of the path of an airbag opening up (in a crash)
arms up and jump and while you jump, tuck at the same time
1. Arms Sideward position 2. Arms forward position 3. Arms upward position
a type of routine/position
T positionreverse T positionsupine line positionprone leaning positionlong sitting positionrelaxed long sitting positionhands on waisthands on hipshands on foreheadhands on neckhands forwardhands side-wardsupine line positionelbow standing positionhalf knee positionfull knee positionhook or crook positionclose hook or crook positioncharge positionarms obliquely upward positionarms obliquely downward positionleg raising positionknee raising positionforward fallout positiontrunk twisting side-ward positionhead turning positionRead more: What_are_the_fundamentals_of_gymnastics