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the three stage of learning are cognitive-the beginner phase and still understanding what is required, associative-practise phase where skills have been learned and are more consistant and finally the autonomous stage- final stage where the skills are automatic and are performed without any real stress

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Q: What are the 3 stages of learning a sport?
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The four stages of the transformational learning cycle are: 1) Experience or realization of a disorienting dilemma; 2) Critical reflection on the experience to gain new insights; 3) Development of new perspectives and beliefs; 4) Taking action to integrate and apply the new learnings in one's life.

The three stages of learning are?

The three stages of learning are cognitive, associative, and autonomous. In the cognitive stage, learners focus on understanding the task. In the associative stage, learners practice and refine their skills. In the autonomous stage, learners can perform the task without much conscious effort.

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Right the 3 stages are Sex FAT Child.

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3 stages

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suck ma balls