A tennis match can be a roller coaster of emotions. From fear, yes believe it or not, our primal bodies instinctively trigger the fight or flight mechanism and if your body chooses flight, you tend to tense up and freeze before a tennis ball. A person can loose complete confidence and it can be terrible. On the other hand, Tennis can give meaning to your life, and some of the feelings experienced on a tennis court can not be expressed in words. Hope that helps. :-)
There are many tennis players training in Florida because they have some of the best tennis players in the world including Bolliteri tennis academy.
Some of them.
Spain has produced some incredible tennis players, both in men's and women's tennis. Some of the great female tennis players from Spain include Virginia Ruano Pascual, Conchita Martinez, and Lourdes Dominguez Lino.
Tennis players eat banana during the match because bananas have lots of potassium in them. Tennis players dehydrate a lot during the match. Due to dehydration, players lose lots of salts especially potassium too. Losing potassium with make their muscles cramp. To relieve themselves from cramping, tennis players eat bananas during the match
Venus and Serena Williams, Maria Sharapova
Probably most male tennis players wear either a jockstrap or some kind of supportive sports undergarment, e.g. compression shorts, jock boxers, athletic briefs, etc.
She had the same feelings as anyone else. Then or now. Perhaps some were more in the forefront of her emotions than would be true today.
Since computers do not have emotions, brains (as we know them), and are not living, biological entities, they do not typically have the common concept of 'feelings'. However, Artificial Intelligences can be made to simulate behavior that emulates or mimics emotional behavior. It is under some debate whether this qualifies as true emotions and 'feelings', or is simply programming.
yes! Yes, black bears have feelings and emotions. All mammals have some degree of feelings and emotions, and many non-mammalian species do as well. The human race has no monopoly on feelings and emotions.
You can find tennis anywhere...if you really like to play it. Today you have many ways of finding tennis players so lack of time for tennis is just an excuse. eTennisLeague.com is a state of the art flex tennis league website that provides quick and easy way of finding tennis players using criteria like location, gender and skill level. It connects recreational players and offers leagues with competitive matches from beginner to advanced , superior customer service and easy-to-use website. How does it work? Registering and setting age, gender, availability and skill level is all that has to be done. After that players can join some of the tennis leagues for single players, doubles or mix doubles, or schedule and play friendly matches.
no, if you work hard enough anything can be achieved. Some tennis players were at the bottom of their junior program but worked very hard
Some effective emotional development activities for 1-2 year olds include reading books with simple emotions, using facial expressions to label feelings, engaging in pretend play to act out emotions, and providing comfort and reassurance when they express strong emotions.