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The age limit is sixteen.

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Q: What are Some Age Qualtifictions for tennis in the Olympics?
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How old do you have to be to complete in the Olympics?

you must be 15 that year of the Olympics, ( this is up for debate) some people have been known to lie about their age, there is no age barrier when you are an adult, some have competed at the age of 60 and older.

What sport did martina navratilova compete in for the US team in the 2004 summer Olympics?

Born in Prague in 1956, Martina Navratilova started to play tennis at the age of 8.

What age did Serena Williams started playing tennis?

She stRted playing tennis at the age of 5

What age can you participate modern U.S Olympics?

You can participate in the U.S Olympics at the age of 12.

Did the Olympics start in the bronze age?

No. The bronze age started about 3000 BC. The Olympics started in 776 BC. The bronze age was over before the Olympics started.

What is the age restrictions of table tennis?

Professional table tennis does not have a required retirement age.

What age can you start the Olympics?

At age 16

What is the age requirements to be in the Olympics?

You must be 16 to compete in gymnastics in the Olympics.

What is the age cut off to complete as an Olympic gymnast?

There is not one. In the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China, Germany has a female gymnast competing at the age of 33.

How old do you have to be to enter the Olympics?

The minimum age to participate in the Olympics is 15, and you have to be turning 16 that very year. the minimum age is 13 .but that is very rareYou have to be over 18 to be in the Olympics.

How old do you have to be to be a tennis referee?

You can be any age

Why do old tennis balls get hard?

The centers of tennis balls are rubber and rubber hardens with age.