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Water hazards are marked with yellow stakes. Lateral water hazards are marked with red stakes. The difference between lateral water hazards and water hazards is that you can play from either side of the lateral water hazard as long as you are not nearer the hole. With a water hazard you have to play from the side on the line of where the ball entered.

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Q: Water hazards are marked by what color in golf?
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What are two types of hazards in golf?


Give two hazards in golf?

Bunkers and water hazards i.e that is lakes, streams and rivers.

Are regular and lateral water hazards the same thing in golf?

See related link.

Give two examples of hazards in golf?

1:water (ie pond or stream) 2: sand traps

What does the company Lost Golf Balls sell?

The Lost Golf Balls company sells used golf balls. These have been typically retrieved from lakes and water hazards in resorts and private facilities across the states.

What do golfers call sand and water on the golf course?

The general term would be hazards. Sand is a bunker, and the water may be lake, pond or river etc.

Does the golf ball have to be marked by the player?


Can you play from within both types of golf water hazards?

Yes you can, but you can't ground your club. Penalty for grounding a club 2 strokes.

Can you be penalize for driving your golf cart into a hazards?

You will probably be disqualified.

What is place of golf to play golf homophone to rough?

A place to play golf that is a homophone of "rough" is "fair." Golf courses are made up of fairways, greens, and hazards like sand traps and water bodies. The fairway is the groomed part of the course that leads from the tee box to the green.

The water hazard on the golf course is determined by which color?

Either red or yellow. Color determines the rules, not the type of hazard. If you hit the ball in the water and in was marked red, you would take a stroke and drop your ball within two club lengths or as far back as you want between the tee box and point of entry. And pretty much the same for the yellow.

What does through the green mean in golf?

Through the green refers to all areas of a golf course, except the greens, teeing grounds and hazards.