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No, it was started in in the 19th century, but they stopped in the 20th century. No it is the 21st century so there is no more tennis in Olympics.

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Q: Was tennis played in the first modern Olympics?
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Where were the first modern Olympics game played?

The first modern Olympic games were played in Athens

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The first events in the modern Olympics were Athletics, Cycling, Fencing, Gymnastics, Shooting, Swimming, Tennis, Weightlifting and Wrestling.

What sports were played in the first modern Olympics?

Farting Championships were played in the first modern Olympic games.

When was table tennis first played in the Olympics?

In 1988 in Seoul, South Korea.

How long has tennis been an olympic sport?

Tennis was an event at the first modern Olympics in 1896 and was competed at every Olympics until 1924. Tennis was dropped after the 1924 Games and did not make its return until 1984 as a demonstration sport and 1988 as a medal sport.

When was tennis an olympic sport?

Tennis was an event at the first Modern Olympics in 1896. It was contested every Olympics until 1924. It was then dropped from the Games and did not return as a medal event until 1988.

What year was tennis first in the Olympics?

In first hit the headlines that tennis was in the Olympics was in the year of 1896.

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Tennis and diving are both part of the Summer Olympics. Tennis was a part of the first modern Olympics during the summer of 1896. It was taken out of the Olympics in 1922 and restored to the Summer Olympics in 1988. Diving became a Summer Olympic sport in 1904.

When was table tennis first in the Olympics?

Table tennis was introduced to the olympics in 1988.

What sports were in the first modern Olympics?

Farting Championships were played in the first modern Olympic games.

In what year was the first Olympic games played?

The first modern Olympics was in 1896 in Athens.

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