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Nirogen is inside some kinds of tennis balls. It all depends on what you buy.

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Q: Is nitrogen gas inside a tennis ball?
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What happen to the gas inside a tennis ball when frozen?

The gas inside of a tennis ball will usually settle when frozen. In most cases this means that it will either freeze or cause the ball to shrink.

How does air temperature effect the bounce of a tennis ball?

there is air inside a tennis ball. when it is hot, the air inside the ball is hot, and thus is excited. when the gas is excited it bounces around more inside the ball and causes it to be harder. when it is colder the gas is less excited so the ball feels softer. When you bounce a tennis ball on a hot day the ball is harder feeling and is essentially more elastic. this causes the ball to bounce higher. when it is colder the ball is less elastic and will not bounce up very high at all. think about the moment the ball hits the ground. if you threw it super hard the ball would momentarily get dented in. now if its hot the gas is excited and moving around a lot so it will push the dented in ball back out to its original shape very fast, where as if it is cold it will not push it back out as fast or hard so it will not bounce as high.

Is the gas inside tennis balls harmful?

No, the gas is not harmful.

What gas inside a normal light bulb?

usually Nitrogen.

How come a golf ball has more mass than ping pong ball?

It doesn't. A tennis ball has a mass of about 57g A golf ball has a mass of about 46g The golf ball is DENSER because it has material inside it (usually rubber) but the tennis ball is full of a gas (air).

What is the pressure inside of a container when nitrogen gas is added?

The pressure inside the container will increase as more nitrogen gas is added due to an increase in the number of gas particles colliding with the container walls. This increase in pressure is a result of the gas particles exerting force on the walls of the container.

If i freeze a tennis ball then it will not bounce as high?

True. Freezing would compress the gas in the ball and reduce the elasticity of the rubber in it.

What type of gas do greenhouses have inside?

Greenhouses have regular air (nitrogen and oxygen gases) inside.

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What minerals are used in making a tennis ball?

Tennis balls are typically made using a combination of rubber, felt, and wool. Minerals are not a primary component in the production of tennis balls.

Which gas is present inside the electric bulb?

The gas typically present inside an incandescent light bulb is nitrogen or a mixture of nitrogen and argon. This gas helps prevent the tungsten filament from burning up by reducing the rate of evaporation.