You take a penalty stroke if you did not let te other player mark their ball.
If you do hit your ball onto the main green whilst playing on temporaries, you would take a free drop, which is nearest point of relief.
Two shot penalty. You also have to go back and correct your mistake before you tee off on the next hole, or you will be disqualified.
there is nothing wrong with my spelling, if you are unable to answer the question I understand.
Go out the lines. Pass the ball to the opposite team intentionally. Pass the ball to someone who's not playing. Shoot in the wrong net. Throw the ball at the teacher
The player who's ball is farthest away from the green hits first, then move to the next players ball in order of distance to the green.BUT... Most courses encourage "ready play" (if you are ready, then hit the ball) in order to speed up play.
Many factors. How hard it was hit initially. What surface it rolls on, obviously a green is quicker than the rough. How long the grass is on the green, this will slow the ball down. If you are putting or playing into the grain it is slower than down grain.
There is no master ball code in leaf green. And my advice, don't CHEAT!! If you cheat then what is the point of playing the game.
yes you can tap a ball when you are playing
The Green Ball Crew e.p. was created in 1993.
What is wrong when your toenail starts turning green?
He likes playing basket ball,playing ice hockey,playing foot ball.....
there's no wrong in 8 ball multiplayer, it's just a error or maintenance