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Q: Playing a four some in golf when on the green must you mark your ball?
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How many players play golf?

In a single group the maximum number of players playing their own ball is four. You can have a one, two, three or four ball.

When playing golf what order do you have to be in if you have a group of four and you are playing in the fairway?

The player who's ball is farthest away from the green hits first, then move to the next players ball in order of distance to the green.BUT... Most courses encourage "ready play" (if you are ready, then hit the ball) in order to speed up play.

What golf ball has a green N logo?


If you hit your golf ball in the woods and can't play it what do you do?

quit playing golf.

Marking a golf ball on the fringe?

No, you may only mark your ball when it is on the green.

What is the Payment for playing golf called?

Green fees.

What is designed for hitting a golf ball shorter distances on the green?


Is golf ball fitting important for your playing ability?

Golf ball fitting definitely influences your ability and potential to play golf. Therefore, it would be very important for you to have the golf ball fitting done properly so that you can play gold at your best.

What effects how slow a golf ball rolls?

Many factors. How hard it was hit initially. What surface it rolls on, obviously a green is quicker than the rough. How long the grass is on the green, this will slow the ball down. If you are putting or playing into the grain it is slower than down grain.

Will doing a golf ball fitting improve your golf game?

Tour players report that golf ball fitting can improve their game. Most concentrate on the shots to the green, as this will provide the best chance of improving score.

What type of people would enjoy golf ball gifts?

Those who enjoy playing golf or enjoy watching golf would enjoy golf ball gifts. Men would probably enjoy golf balls as a gift more than a woman would.

What is a golf ball marker?

Usually a thin coin shaped object which is placed just behind the golf ball when you are on the green so you can remove your ball, and get out of another players way. Some have initials and some have pictures on them.