table tennis
Err a table tennis table
ping pong
Yes - ping-pong is an alternative name for table tennis.
Table tennis has been called ... Whiff Whaff Gossima Ping Pong The official name is table tennis. The name Ping Pong is now a USA trademark.
What is the name of the most local table tennis club in New ham
People name table tennis balls based on their quality. For example, a "3 Star Ball" is known as the highest quality ball.Table tennis is also known as ping-pong. Sometimes the balls are referred to as ping-pong balls.
No, if it does it is a point to the other player.
boxing tennis table tennis
One of the original names for table tennis was ping pong. Ping Pong was then registered as a trademark by the sports company John Jaques & Son in England. Parker Brothers in the USA also bought the rights from Jaques to use the name ping pong in the USA only. So the name of the game was changed to table tennis. The official name today is table tennis. Ping Pong is still a trademark and is a brand of equipment in the USA which is used to play the sport of table tennis.
Actually not really. We still call it table tennis, if I render from Chinese into English we call it "Table ball"
International Table Tennis Federation ( is the name of the international organization representing ping pong.