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you keep laying until you get a 1000 skill point then you are pro and you get a new shinny Bowling bowl but if you do less than your high score (150 pts) you'll loose some skill points and sometimes taking you the (pro) thing out but you can gett it back

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Knock down the most pins in 10 frames. Get consecutive spares and strikes to earn more points!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Throw it on the bunkers bang strike!.

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Q: On Wii Sports Bowling how do you get always strike?
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How do you always bowl a strike on Wii sports resort 10 pin bowling?

No. Not always

How can you get a strike on Wii fit?

Bowling is not an option on Wii Fit. However, on Wii Sports (and Wii Sports Resort), you get a strike as you normally would in real life bowling.

Why is that Wii Sports - Bowling from the Nintendo Wii gives you more Strikes than Wii Sports Resort - Bowling?

More than likly the bowling activity was not made using the same code so what is considered a strike zone in Wii Sports is larger then that of resort. PRobally a diffrent programer or the programer didnt copy and paste the lines of code for the bowling.

Can you play bowling on Wii sports resort?

Yes, bowling is one of the games on Sports Resort for the Nintendo Wii.

What is the record for Wii sports?

My top record for Wii Sports Bowling is 257 and I thought that was very good.

Who is the master at wii sports bowling?

suppawit lowmunkong

What games come with Wii Sports?

The original Wii Sports includes tennis, bowling, golf, boxing and baseball.

How much is a strike worth in bowling on the wii?

A strike is worth 10 points plus your next to points

How people have practice for bowling?

Maybe People practice for bowling from Fun Bowling game,playstation2,wii sports or go to bowling alley.

How many different sports are in the game Wii Sports by Nintendo?

There are five different sports in the game Wii Sports. Those sports are tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing. This game was followed by the sequel Wii Sports Resort, which has twelve different sports games.

Who as the most 300 games on Wii sports bowling?

There is no way to know the exact answer.

How do you roll on the edge of gutter rail in Wii sports resort bowling?
