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No. Not always

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Q: How do you always bowl a strike on Wii sports resort 10 pin bowling?
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Related questions

How can you get a strike on Wii fit?

Bowling is not an option on Wii Fit. However, on Wii Sports (and Wii Sports Resort), you get a strike as you normally would in real life bowling.

Why is that Wii Sports - Bowling from the Nintendo Wii gives you more Strikes than Wii Sports Resort - Bowling?

More than likly the bowling activity was not made using the same code so what is considered a strike zone in Wii Sports is larger then that of resort. PRobally a diffrent programer or the programer didnt copy and paste the lines of code for the bowling.

What two sports use the term strike?

Baseball and bowling.

How do you get the secret strike stamp on Wii sports resort bowling?

You have to ride the rail and make sure the bowling ball goes all the way back to the end. It is pretty hard to do, but it is worth a try. Move the line close but not touching the rail and press a and tilt it. Then try to let the bowling ride the rail until the end.

What sports words start with X?

· X (bowling - symbol for a strike) · X Games on ESPN

What is a strike out in bowling?

A strike is when you strike out

More sports words beginning with x?

· X (bowling - symbol for a strike) · X Games on ESPN

Are there any sports beginning with the letter X?

Xare is a raquet sport - On an indirect note, X is a strike in bowling.

When did Silver Strike Bowling happen?

Silver Strike Bowling happened in 2004.

When was Silver Strike Bowling created?

Silver Strike Bowling was created in 2004.

Wii sports resort secret strike?

Go on 10 pin bowling on manual mode and hit the ball into the gutter, don't let it spin it will then fly out again and all the skittles magically disappear and if you are left handed then the right gutter and right handed the left gutter.

When you receive an x what did you do in bowling?

you got a strike