

Best Answer

No, you don't need to be strong or tall to play Golf. All shapes, sizes and abilities can enjoy a round of golf. Tall strong men will hit the ball a mile, but the game isn't about length. Your equipment can compensate for your strength, such as if you have a slow swing speed a regular graphite shaft will help you get the ball in the air easily.

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Who can play in a world golf championship event?

They must be chosen by the committee.

What are the positions in golf?

There are no positions in golf. As an individual sport, the sole player must play his/her ball from anywhere on the course they hit it.

Where can one play Crazy Golf for free online?

People can play the flash game Crazy Golf of free on the website Mousebreaker or Teagames. The game Crazy Golf is 18 holes of mini golf that one must complete in as few strokes as they can.

Why do you play golf?

I play golf because it is fun.

Can a Tumbleweed knock golf ball in hole?

Where do you play golf? The wild west. If a ball at rest is moved by the tumble weed, there is no penalty and the ball must be replaced. If the ball is moving and the tumble weed hits it, there is again no penalty but you must play the ball as it lies.

Where can one play sandal golf?

To play at a Sandal's Golf Resort you must go to one of their locations in Montego Bay, Negril, St Lucia, Emerald Bay, Antigua, Ocho Rios and Grenada.

Where do the people play golf?

It is a golf links if the course is near the sea. Otherwise it is a golf course if further inland.

When was How to Play Golf created?

How to Play Golf was created in 1944.

What must a polo player have in order to play?

A healthy lifestyle they should be a strong swimmer and strong legs

How do your say Mr Golf in spanish?

golf ball is pelota de stays the same.It's the same: 'golf'

Where do you go to play golf?

a golf course

Do gay kids play golf?

kids of all sexual orientations play golf.