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Q: May a player request that a tennis ball or balls lying inhis opponent's court be removed?
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Can a tennis player move around the side of the net to play a shot?

No because you may not go onto your opponents side of the court.

How does a player try to outscore his opponent in table tennis?

A point occurs when one player strikes the ball so that it bounces on the opponents side of the table without reply.

Why do students who play sports react faster than those who don't?

Because playing sports 'tunes up' a persons reactions. Think about a tennis player - with time and practice a tennis player learns to 'second guess' their opponents next move, and reacts accordingly.

Which side of a tennis court do you call the ad court?

The ad side of a tennis court is the players left side. Or the opponents right side.

What tennis player earn a nickname Nasty?

The tennis player that has earned the nickname Nasty is tennis player John McEnroe. He's a tennis player that is from Romania. He was born on July 19, 1946.

What was tennis player Billy Jean King's significance to the game of tennis?

She was a woman tennis player and she beat Bobby Riggs, a man tennis player.

How has the tennis court been changed?

Hold down 2 when starting a game of tennis, just after picking character, before it shows your opponents. You get blue court.

What are some tricks in Wii tennis?

Hold down 2 when starting a game of tennis, just after picking character, before it shows your opponents. You get blue court.

Is Lu the tennis player a Chinese tennis player?

He's Taiwanese

Who is maria sanchez?

Maria Sanchez is a tennis player, a famous tennis player.

Who was the best player in lawn tennis?

Roger federer is the best player of tennis

Is Mayleen Ramey's a pro tennis player?

No. She is a host of travel related tennis on the Tennis Channel. She is a rec level player.