I think Girls are better because girls are good at everything!!!!!
Tennis is a sport for both boys and girls. All people can play tennis no matter of gender.
Tennis is a great sport for girls of all ages
Tennis, a bagel refers to zero games won in a set and breadsticks refer to the ball boys/girls
A lot of boys (and girls) play football. Girls do gymnastics, dancing and ballet. Other common sport are: hockey, tennis, volleyball and korfball.
I think girls do just as good as boys. Except in Football. I think boys get that because we have more practice. Women are better at Tennis. That's my opinion.
Tennis can be for girls or boys, smart one. but girls are more fit to play tennis. but guys really do play tennis, some of them even go to Wimbledon (i know that's hard to believe.
2 girls are there
I'm not a girl but most girls i know play soccer or tennis
Because girls can only handle 10% of what boys can
girls could do more better sports that boys like tennis and volleyball
I guess girls can play but boys normaly play.
In my opinion Boys only have a better chance of getting sport scholarships because boys have a wider variety of choices compared to girls. Though for smarts both boys and girls have an equal chance
Wimbledon is the most prestigious tennis competition in the sport. In 2012, winners of the championship earned 1, 150, 000 British pounds each in the singles men and ladies category.