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I believe you are enquiring to whether an out of bounds stake may be removed from the ground if it interferes with your line of play. The answer is no, it may not be removed as it marks the boundary of the course, you must leave it in the ground, or take a penalty drop if you so wish.

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Q: Is an out bounds stake permanent?
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I was playing golf yesterday and hooked my tee shot left it crossed the out of bounds stake for that hole but it crossed the road and came back inbounds on another hole Is it ok to play the ball?

You need to know where the out of bounds stake is defining as out of bounds. If this hole is left of the OB then yes, it is out of bounds. If it came back to the right, it sounds like it was inbounds.

Can you move a red water hazard stake?

Yes..thye only stakes that are not are out of bounds stakes.

Can you move an out of bounds stake to hit a shot?

Yes, two shot penalty. This is because the OB marker indicates the boundary of the course, you may remove hazard stakes etc, but never OB.

Is a yardage stake in the fairway a movable obstruction?

All stakes hazard and measurement are removeable EXCEPT out of bounds markers

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What is the birth name of Phyllis Bounds Detiege?

Phyllis Bounds Detiege's birth name is Phyllis Bounds.

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The homophones of "stake" are "steak" and "stake."

A pointed wooden stick to be driven in to the ground?

A tent-peg. A spike. A stake.

What is the example sentence of stake?

there was lot of things at Stake. Gamblers put everything at Stake.

When was The Bounds of Sense created?

The Bounds of Sense was created in 1966.

When was Party Out of Bounds created?

Party Out of Bounds was created in 1980.

Is a player out of bounds if the ball and his upper body are out of bounds before his knee hits the ground in bounds?

Rules vary from state to state but in this case it is perfectly legal. So along as the players feet are in bounds. In highschool football its normally if one foot is in bounds and the other is not out of bounds and the player has control of the ball then its a catch